The Power and Magic of Taskwarrior Versus the Insufferable Tedium of ConnectWise Manage
I use ConnectWise Manage at my IT support job. It does everything…slowly and with 27 clicks. Before working at the company, Todoist, Wunderlist, Asana, and Producteev were my references for how professionals kept track of knowledge work. Each of those fell into the 2-3 click range for accomplishing any routine action. Late last year, however, in keeping with my multi-year text interface obsession, I began using taskwarrior daily. Instead of opening a browser, logging in again, clicking, clicking, clicking, clicking, clicking, and finally typing the thought at the front of my brain, it took a simple [mod]+[enter] (open sway terminal window), “task add vacuum the lawn”, [enter]. That’s 10 seconds to offload a task from your memory vs. ConnectWise’s minute-or-so. Insane contrast!
I admit that I am conflating tasks and tickets here a bit. Tasks are simple, while tickets can contain notes, time entries, and billing details. But if those wonderful folks at the Gothenburg Bit Factory were handed the task of writing software with CW Manage feature parity, they might quietly turn the PSA software market upside-down.