Formerly titled “Building a Tool to Calculate Age from Name Preferences.”

Today I reopened a slightly neglected project I started a few weeks ago. The goal is to build a web app that presents several names and asks users to pick their favorite. After a number of ranking cycles, the app will calculate the year in American history where the general population had name sensibilities most similar to the user. Right now it runs as a command line application, but it will soon become a Flask web app.

Most recently, I added a few lines that prevented the random number generator from selecting the same name index twice and asking users to compare a name to itself. Here is the name ranking code in it’s current form. The whole project is now on my GitLab.

#Enter name ranking cycle
while True:

    #Generate two name index integers
    while True:
        name_1_index = np.random.randint(0,len(unique_names))
        name_2_index = np.random.randint(0,len(unique_names))
        if name_1_index != name_2_index:
    #Get names corresponding to those indices
    name_1 = unique_names.iloc[name_1_index]
    name_2 = unique_names.iloc[name_2_index]

    #Present names for the user to choose
    print("Which name do you prefer?\n")

    #Take user's ranking from 1 to 5
    preference = input()

    #Assign points based on name preference
    if preference == '1':
        #Reward preferred name with +2 points and penalize other name with -2 points
        unique_names.iloc[name_1_index,1] += 2
        unique_names.iloc[name_2_index,1] -= 2
    elif preference == '2':
        #Reward preferred name with +1 point and penalize other name with -1 point
        unique_names.iloc[name_1_index,1] += 1
        unique_names.iloc[name_2_index,1] -= 1
    elif preference == '3':
        #Do nothing, because neither name is preferred
    elif preference == '4':
        #Reward preferred name with +1 point and penalize other name with -1 point
        unique_names.iloc[name_1_index,1] -= 1
        unique_names.iloc[name_2_index,1] += 1
    elif preference == '5':
        #Reward preferred name with +2 points and penalize other name with -2 points
        unique_names.iloc[name_1_index,1] -= 2
        unique_names.iloc[name_2_index,1] += 2
    elif preference == 'v':
        #Print the current state of the ranking table
    elif preference == 'x':
        print('***INVALID INPUT***')